Beware The Hawk novellaOr more in keeping with my character’s dilemma, I’m ending Spy Week with a crunch.

Remember when I said I was having a hard time telling people what my book is about?  I’ve had to summarize my novella a lot of different ways since then, but if you get right down to it, it’s basically about a girl who is having a really bad day at work. A bad couple of days, actually.

So here’s the deal. If you’d like a copy of Beware the Hawk, leave a comment telling me about the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever had to do for work. And then ‘like’ my Facebook page, because I’m needy.

This contest will be active all Friday. Then I will put all your names into a fedora and pick two at random. I will send those winners copies of my e-book.

And if you’re not into all that? Click here to watch another spy with issues.

Also, I’m still hanging on for more beard submissions, folks. But I do have some awesome beard pictures that were sent in to me, so I will be posting about that later today.

8 replies
  1. dreampeddler1
    dreampeddler1 says:

    I cleaned hotel rooms “for a living” during my college years. Rules: We had to finish a room in 24 minutes, or less, and could only clean the bathrooms with the used towels (or clean ones, if we were lucky!) left behind. On top of that, any booze left behind had to be stored by the dumpsters until we left for the day. And there was to be no smoking or watching of TV in the midst of room cleaning until we were 15 minutes into the process. After 2 months there, I walked into the break room one day and heard the other women bitching about the fact that I had never come to work for one shift. Apparently they thought I was Katie, and Jodie was some floozy college student who was total chicken shit. I did not correct them.

  2. elizabethhilts
    elizabethhilts says:

    I bought the book so I don’t need one (though if I won I’d give it to a deserving person) but I thought you’d enjoy knowing that the most ridiculous thing I ever did for work was brush the teeth and blowdry the “beards” of about 20 miniature schnauzers (of championship breeding, naturally).

  3. discourseincsharpminor
    discourseincsharpminor says:

    Record a seminar on organic gardening and listen to a lengthy lesson on “nitrogen-pooping nematodes” and why they’re great. Did I mention this was my first day?

  4. Erin Skelly Cameron
    Erin Skelly Cameron says:

    I once had to go to a Ruby Tuesday and ask to borrow some American Cheese.

    (To put this into context, I should tell you that I was working at the restaurant next door, and one of my customer’s children wanted a burger with American cheese, which we didn’t stock. It was my idea to go ask Ruby Tuesday for the cheese. That’s why I was so good at that job – I was proactive.)


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