It’s day seven of the scavenger hunt and I want you to scour the Internet for today’s mission.
The protagonist in Beware the Hawk is a courier for a secret anti-government group called The Resistance. She found this job by responding to an intriguing ad on Craigslist. So today I’d like you to find an intriguing ad on Craigslist. It doesn’t have to be for a secret agency. It can be anything you find interesting or mysterious or nefarious or just plain awesome.
Then tweet the link to me (@ann_oconnell) with the hashtag #bewarethehawk. Or post it to my author page on Facebook.
Speaking of which, let’s look at the results of yesterday’s mission, which was to write a haiku about a bird of prey. I’m excited to report that I had several submissions, and all of them are very different. Here they are, in order of receipt:
Mary-Jo Bates, who offers a different take on what a bird of prey is:
Robin feet in dirt
Worm hold lost
Flesh into flesh.
Esteemed poet Heidi St. Jean, sticking with the “hawk” theme:
Hawk stands tall on pine,
never wavering in wind –
breathes in warm mouse scent.
Alena Dillon, bemoaning the loss of her snack to a Long Island bird of prey:
It stole my pizza
and dropped it in the ocean
I so hate seagulls
Erin Skelly Cameron, with a requiem for a mouse:
Field mouse frolicking,
Beware the hawk swooping down!
Oh, no – no more mouse.
I was sort of sad that no one wrote a haiku about this kind of bird of prey, but that's just me.