
Books and Boos, signing, Kristi Petersen Schoonover

Yay for book signing!


Just got back from my reading at Books & Boos.

It was great; I did a little reading, and little signing and there was food.

Books and Boos, indie bookstore

The owners.

Before the reading, we had a little symposium with owners Stacey Longo and Jason Harris, and there was much discussion of books and movies and chewing gum from the ’80s. It was a blast. Awesome surprise of the day: fellow VBP author Kristi Petersen Schoonover drove out to Colchester for a visit.

If you want to see all my photos of the event, check out my Facebook author page.

On another note, I can’t stress enough that if you live in the area of Middletown, Connecticut, you should definitely check out this bookstore. If you’re a horror fan, it’s right up your alley. If not, there are all sorts of books there – new and used.  Indie bookstores are increasingly rare, and it’s nice to find one with owners who care about local authors and who know their trade.

indie bookstore, books and boos, colchester, ct

Books and Boos in Colchester.