Remember yesterday, when I posted the scavenger hunt winners? I posted a list of all the people who participated, and the number of missions in which they participated. This list (which shall from this point on be referred to “The Leaderboard,” to make it seem cooler than it really is) looked like this at 11:30 yesterday:
Ally :4
Mary-Jo :4
Alena :4
E.S. : 3
Heidi: 1
Tamela : 1
Linsey : 1
As you can see, there was a three-way tie between Ally, Mary-Jo and Alena. I issued this challenge to the three front-runners: If one of you pulls ahead of the pack in the next 24 hours by submitting just one more entry, you may have the tee shirt of your choice from my store.
Then some of the participants read the post and things got real.
Except that I didn’t know how real things had gotten because this morning, my iPhone decided that I didn’t need to be notified when something was tweeted to me. I came home from work to find that three participants had attempted to submit/submitted new material and that two of the three had declared themselves “in it to win it.” One of the three was talking smack like a wrestler standing in front of WWE ringside camera.
It was awesome. And I missed most of it. So now, I would like to post a summary of the Scavenger Hunt Battle for Supremacy. Cue the American Gladiator theme music.
Last night – I posted the winners.
Last night – Mary-Jo has trouble uploading a tattoo photo but leaves this intriguing comment on my Facebook page:
“Mary-Jo Bates I’m having issues uploading the tatt pic, but I was impressed by Danno’s translation of my mental image into my cross tatt. Woohoo! I cannot wait to put that on my precious books’ shelf :)”
If you ever get that photo uploaded, Moj, I want to see it.
Last night – E.S. Cameron submits a pink hair photo. I update the blog and go to sleep.
Then I wake up and this happens:
8:10 a.m – Ally posts a photo of her tattoo.
8:44 a.m. – Ally posts a Craigslist ad, which is safe for work.
8:45 a.m. – Ally ups the ante, posting another Craigslist ad, which is probably not safe for work.
9:10 a.m. – Alena strikes back with a twofor. Declares self “in it to win it.”
10:57 a.m. – You should not say such things to Ally, who has somehow found an actual purple shamrock and who is backing that up with a purple drawing of a shamrock, just in case I didn’t think the shamrock was purple enough. Her tweet contains the word “dammit.”

10:57 a.m. -Ally takes some time out to taunt Tamela for making excuses.!/wordvagabond/status/182118760080097282
11:00 a.m. – Ally visits my Facebook page and tells us about an injury she’s had:
For the scavenger hunt, a more detailed account of my Toronto Chinatown injury: I was 11 years old, and we were going to visit my great-grandmother in Toronto. The first day we were there I fell down a flight of stairs in her apartment complex and sprained my ankle. I was on crutches the rest of the trip, and somewhere my mom has a picture of me at the Chinatown arch with my crutches and Ace bandage.
9:40 p.m. – After what I perceive as a long silence, Ally begs to be let off haiku-writing.!/wordvagabond/status/182280397818822656
10:32 p.m. – The haiku is submitted. The other contenders are pretty much dead silent at this point.!/wordvagabond/status/182293696870490113
10:39 p.m. – She tweets this for the seedy bar category, which isn’t strictly speaking, what I asked for, but which counts.!/wordvagabond/status/182295076775530496
Let’s take a look at The Leaderboard now.
Ally :10
Mary-Jo :4
Alena :5
E.S. : 3
Heidi: 1
Tamela : 1
Linsey : 1
Ally is the clear and undisputed winner. She wins either the tee of her choice from my store or the iPhone case.
Thank you for playing, ladies. And winners, get those snail mail addresses in to me so I can send you your prizes!