
If I’ve been quiet on this site, it’s because I’ve been embarrassing myself fairly regularly over at Geek Eccentric. Remember the good old days, when I blogged about Legolas and feminism (not necessarily in the same post?) Well, they’ve been getting a lot of those posts since I was recruited as a writer/editor in the spring, which is fine, except I miss blogging here.

So last week, my editor asked us all to write our top 10 lists of movies, an exercise which I resisted a little because I don’t watch a lot of movies. I go to the theater maybe twice a year. But then I got to thinking about my favorite movies – the ones I watch over and over – and I noticed that they all have a few things in common. Action, adventure, well-drawn roles for women (mostly) and excitement. I can’t see any of these without wanting to jump into the plot. They all reduce me to my nine-year-old self, and that’s a good thing. Below is a photo of Number 5 (oh, Ahnold, you were a better Conan than a Governor) and here is a link to 10 Movies that are Nothing but Swashbuckling, Blastery, Monstery Fun.

Picture 1What do you think? Which would you add?


It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m willing to bet a ton of cheap chocolate that a lot of people will be watching romantic films this evening. Rom-coms, tearjerkers, An Affair to Remember. The Notebook. Anything with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks in it. All of that will be hot property on Netflix streaming video tonight.

But not in this house. We’ll probably be watching a film that features spaceships, dinosaurs, or a cunning combination of both. Still, in honor of Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d post a list of lessons I’ve learned about relationships from some of my favorite movies. After all, love is everywhere. Read more