
books, Eagle & Arrow

This Post-It could be yours.

To celebrate my release date, I’m hosting a second week-long virtual book-signing! If you buy The Eagle & The Arrow e-book and want it autographed, I will happily sign it for you. How, you ask? Magic? Well, kind of.

There are two ways for me to do this: one way is through Authorgraph, a free service that allows readers who bought an e-book to request a signed page that is emailed to them. If you want an authorgraph go to the site, and click “request authorgraph” and the site will send you a page with my signature and a message to you and you alone. It’s a free service. Did I mention that it’s free? I’m also going to be doing this live from my iPad at events with wi-fi.

The other way I can sign your e-book is by Post-It Note.

Yes. Post-It Note. Allow me to explain:

Last year, when Beware the Hawk was launched, it was e-book only. Someone asked how I could sign her book if it was an e-book. And then it hit me:

I realized that I don’t need to have a physical book to have a signing. In fact I don’t even need to be in the same room with everyone to have a signing.

Instead of signing books in person, I told readers to send me their addresses. In return, I sent them Post-Its, so that they could stick those babies on their Kindles/Nooks/phones/tablets while they were reading my book. And that’s what I’m doing again.

If you buy an e-book and you want an autograph on a special yellow Post-It Note, send your mailing addresses to annjoconnell<at>gmail<dot>com. (Just until June. 18. Or until my Post-Its run out. I have a lot though. Just sayin’.)Then keep an eye on that mailbox.

Next up this week? A virtual reading on YouTube. I’d better put on some make-up or something.