Pipedrive is honored to bring together eight renowned sales leaders and to share their insights on the state of the sales industry with our customers and friends. We asked each expert what they thought was most notable in the wonderful world of sales in 2016 and what they expect to see more of in 2017.
Despite the fact that adaptive learning experts have settled the definition question, many rank-and-file educators still use the terms “personalized” and “adaptive” interchangeably.
A comprehensive list of resources, including blogs, books, conferences, and courses — all of which are designed for instructors seeking more information about blended learning in higher education..
A few years ago, I was teaching a digital journalism course at a local college. Recently, I’ve been thinking about how I’d update my syllabus to account for 2016. This reading list grew out of that. It has all the information I wish I could teach my former students, were I teaching this year: history, context, racial bias in the media, ethics, an examination of why people hate the press, and essays about the media’s role in a digital and contentious world.
Blended learning, also called hybrid learning, fuses traditional face-to-face classroom teaching with online instruction. It’s a simple concept, but it becomes more complex when you consider that there is no one way to blend learning; online and face-to-face instruction can be combined into several blended learning models.
Blended learning — the hybrid of classroom instruction and online learning — is gaining traction because it has the potential to engage students and improve outcomes and because of a growing awareness that the traditional lecture model has largely been proven to be a less effective. But faculty used to the traditional lecture model may find themselves asking “what is blended learning.”
CBE is, as its name suggests, learning based on developing and demonstrating competence. While the details of individual CBE programs differ, all have one thing in common: prioritizing what a student can do over how much time they put in.
The SAT and the ACT have always been high stakes tests for students hoping to get into their college of choice, but in the last year the stakes have gotten even higher — for state departments of educations.
A sales pipeline needs a little nourishment, too.
As salespeople constantly fill their pipelines with deals, they should be regularly checking the pulse of those deals to ensure they achieve the healthiest sales results.