If you’re a sales manager – there’s a red hot chance you’ve had this problem:

You’ve got a great team of hard-working sales reps and a pipeline full of leads…

But you’re also not hitting your sales targets.

Despite the fact that your reps are always reaching out to numerous leads, they’re not getting the results you need.

Your loyal, passionate and hard-working sales team spends a lot of time interacting with difficult customers, and they send email after email, only to be met with objection,…

Do you feel like your sales team is endlessly spinning its wheels?

Your reps are always busy, and they have lots and lots of leads, but despite the fact that they’re constantly selling – somehow you’re not hitting your sales targets.

A low conversion rate and exhausted reps isn’t a great combination.

Clearly, something has gone wrong.

Part of the problem: your team may have too many leads.

While you may think having a heap of leads is a good thing, sales can be counter intuitive. Quantity is …

This is the final part of our series: Pipedrive’s Big Sales Interview. If you haven’t already, you can read part three, part two, or part one.

Richard Harris was born to sell.

When he was growing up, both his parents were salespeople: his father sold insurance, and his mother sold local advertising for cable news affiliates. Harris began his own sales career at the age of 11, buying Jolly Ranchers from a high schooler, marking them up and selling the candy to his classmates.

Now a sales train…

This is part three of our four part series: Pipedrive’s Big Sales Interview. Read part two and part one.

Max Altschuler, the founder of Sales Hacker, is literally writing the book on millennials in the sales workforce. His newest book Career Hacking for Millennials is due out next March.

Altschuler, whose first book, Hacking Sales: The Playbook for Building a High-Velocity Sales Machine, was published in 2015, is a millennial himself. He bears many of the hallmarks of that generation’s workfo…

Mark Hunter is more than a sales trainer; he is a sales evangelist. Hunter, known in the sales training world as The Sales Hunter, truly loves selling. He gives high-energy talks about connecting with custom…

“Yes” may be the word that all salespeople want to hear, but Andrea Waltz knows that to a salesperson, the word “no” is just as important, maybe even more so. She is one half of the two-person team behind the best-selling sales book Go for No!, which encourages salespeople to push for a “no” rather than avoiding it.

Pipedrive is honored to bring together eight renowned sales leaders and to share their insights on the state of the sales industry with our customers and friends. We asked each expert what they thought was most notable in the wonderful world of sales in 2016 and what they expect to see more of in 2017.

A sales pipeline needs a little nourishment, too.

As salespeople constantly fill their pipelines with deals, they should be regularly checking the pulse of those deals to ensure they achieve the healthiest sales results.

Some salespeople favor calls. Some reps swear by emails. But is one method of contacting a prospect better than the other? Read on to learn more about the benefits and drawbacks of both

Never Give Up On Your Prospect: Reviving Cold Leads…